
2010年10月15日 星期五

Upcycling新創品牌 Loopworks

Fast Company雜誌七月號, 介紹新品牌Loopworks.Upcycling Gives Excess Clothing Fabric a Second Chance :So last year, the three joined forces to launch a company to "upcycle" excess fabric into hip apparel for outdoor enthusiasts. Terracycle pushed upcycling into the consumer lexicon by making new products out of postconsumer packaging. Looptworks -- the name is a take on closed-loop, zero-waste manufacturing -- is among a new wave of startups that are tackling the other end of the garbage problem: preconsumer waste.

ABOUT LOOPTWORKS:Launched in September 2009, Looptworks is a ground-breaking business that repurposes abandoned materials into meaningful, long-lasting and limited-edition products. By re-using the world’s pre-consumer excess, the U.S.-based company aims to rid the world of waste while inspiring a generation to reduce their impact on the planet.

收集原本當垃圾的服裝工廠零頭布料, 加工成戶外服飾, 是2009年新創公司Loopworks的創辦宗旨.
比起Upcycling的先進品牌TerraCycle來說, 顯然Loopworks收集工業廢棄物容易得多.
TerraCycle從消費者端,收集消費性產品包裝材料, 過程瑣碎複雜. 但是,一方面得到品牌業主贊助支援, 另一方面與未來消費者深度溝通互. 辛苦有其代價.
TerraCycle從美國起家, 最近三年已經在海外五個國家開展業務, 並且都是當地夥伴禮遇邀請開設.
Upcycling這個社會企業另類潮流, 何時吹進國內?

