繁忙現代人有太多不自覺的[閒置資產],當您購物時, 想一想櫥櫃裡是否有什麼應該先用完的東西?
Forever foods
Now that the holiday season has begun, many people are making extensive grocery lists in preparation for parties, dinners and cookie swaps. But before you shop, Janice Revell, co-founder of StillTasty.com, says "Look in your pantry and your cabinets and check whether the items really do need to go. You'll be shocked by what you really don't need to throw away."
So before you throw out that years-old sugar or replace that bottle of vanilla that's been gathering dust, consult our list of "forever foods." You may be surprised how many of your kitchen staples have a shelf life of decades — even after they've been opened. (Text: Laura Moss)