計劃邏輯結構清晰明確, 為什麼國內環保團體/社會運動份子沒有這般企劃能力?
空有滿腔熱誠/崇高理想, 若無力實現, 不是太遺憾嗎?
Teens Turning Green is a student led movement devoted to education and advocacy around environmentally and socially responsible choices for individuals, schools, and communities. We seek to promote global sustainability by identifying and eliminating toxic exposures that permeate our lives, often unknowingly, yet threaten public and environmental health. What began in the Bay Area in 2005 now has a presence at elementary, middle and high schools, universities, and student organizations across the country, as well as a strong virtual platform and media presence. The TTG chapters lead grassroots efforts that aim to raise awareness, encourage behavior change, and lobby for policy that will lessen local and global impact.
Project Lunch 是該學生組織另外一個計劃. 類似活動, 最近國內很多, 令人感慨的是, 人云亦云, 做得不夠精彩.
或許我只是皮毛旁觀, 了解不夠深入吧!