[生態環保]對國外大型企業已經是非常嚴肅的經營課題, 同時也是劇烈挑戰和絕對無法迴避的責任. 然而國內依然聊備一格, 當裝飾用, 典型嚴重綠漂(green wash)症候群體共犯, 極少數例外.
消費者壓力太小, 國內廠商太好鬼混.
媒體沒格調, 拿錢扮化妝師, 一枝筆一個鏡頭, 隱惡揚善始終如一.
政府機構正經八百唱高調說"節能減碳". 台面上說說唱唱, 消費者糊里糊塗, 媒體忙著數鈔票, 亂七八糟, 胡說八道, 寶島寶島大浩劫! 馬英九環保承諾根本經不起檢驗, 財團橫行, 環保團體僅只是長不強壯的弱勢邊緣小眾.
Fast Company對星巴克研發環保紙杯的詳細報導, 真經精彩, 夠深入. 難怪在永續環保各式評比,屢屢名列前茅. 國內星巴克坦白說, 也只是鬼混..... 反正這樣就很被喜歡, 對7-11集團是有點失望, 假如徐重仁先生做不到, 很難期待其他廠商什麼!
企業規模擴大, 初心難持!
via : fast company. Issue 150, November 2010
The Starbucks Cup Dilemma
Being a Responsible Company
Starbucks Coffee Cups of the Future?
The Challenges of Eco-Friendliness
KISS CupAustralian designer Keith Orchard wanted to reduce waste while keeping the experience intact. His pulp paper-based cup is coated with palm-leaf-derived carnauba wax. "People aren't going to recycle if it's not easy," he says.
CupUpInspired by children's toys, this inflatable thermal mug also has a bar code for loyalty programs. "Sustainable solutions must actively promote behavioral change," says Rae'ut Stern, one of CupUp's five Israeli designers.
Cookie CupThis wafer cup's edible heat- and liquid-resistant lining allows customers to dispose of their cup by eating it. "When you have a coffee, it's also an experience," Dutch designer Martijn van Loon says. As if those triple-mocha drinks didn't have enough calories.
Read more: The Starbucks Cup Dilemma