活動前就很興奮; 活動後喜不自禁, 自從一年多前, 蘋果日報一篇(言過其實)感人肺腑的品牌報導, 開始嘗到鎂光燈滋味以來, 到達新境界. 農曆春節後, 再獲得多次媒體採訪, 如醉如癡, 辛苦八年, 終於揚眉吐氣.
但是忘失本心, 有利忘友, 只知道吹牛的表面好處, 不懂蹲馬步的道理; 真擔心牛皮漲得愈大, 裡面空心, 又將如何是好?
澳洲墨爾本永續生活節今年第十二屆, 敬請參考.
There's already too much carbon in the atmosphere and that's heating up our planet at a staggering rate. The environment that we depend on relies on a stable and safe climate. Your planet needs you for this vital mission to restore a safe climate. Drop into the Sustainable Living Festival and find out how you can join the mission.
The Sustainable Living Festival showcases a huge range of exhibitors, talks, workshops, art, films and performances celebrating and inspiring sustainable communities. Check out the many Festival events in this years program.
On Saturday 19 February 3CR broadcast live from the Festival's Green House . Beyond Zero spoke with David Suzuki, well-known Canadian environmentalist and elder.

Listen here to the full broadcast (14.3MB/31:07min) of David Suzuki speaking with 3CR's Beyond Zero Emissions team from the Festival.
Download an excerpt (0.5MB/1:04min) from David Suzuki speaking on Australia's need for 100% renewable energy.
Listen here to the full broadcast (14.3MB/31:07min) of David Suzuki speaking with 3CR's Beyond Zero Emissions team from the Festival.
Download an excerpt (0.5MB/1:04min) from David Suzuki speaking on Australia's need for 100% renewable energy.
18-20 FEB | Birrarung Marr, Yarra River
Wed – Fri 10 AM – 2 PM weekends 12 PM – 4 PM
Birrarung Marr
Free Event
FRI 18 & SAT 19 Feb
10 AM–2 PM
Birrarung Marr
Free Event

SAT 19 & SUN 20
12 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm
Birrarung Marr
Free Event
During 2010, 8 Victorian schools and 1 Kindergarten joined the Eco-Cubby project, working with professional architects to learn the principals of sustainable design. Come and see how young participants interpret design principals to create cubby house models.FRI 18–SUN 27 FEB
Wed – Fri 10 AM – 2 PM weekends 12 PM – 4 PM
Birrarung Marr
Free Event
A great way for children and families to have positive fun and engage with the local parks, gardens and waterways. Create your own creatures and habitat using gum nuts, leaves, seed pods and found objects.FRI 18 & SAT 19 Feb
10 AM–2 PM
Birrarung Marr
Free Event
Live & grubby at the Festival Come and get grubby with Australia’s highest rating TV star dirtgirl at the Festival’s Big Weekend. Meet this gumboot-wearing girl who loves to explore the natural world, grows awesome tomatoes and even knows cloud names. dirtgirl can show you a place where we protect what we love.SAT 19 & SUN 20
12 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm
Birrarung Marr
Free Event