
2011年4月25日 星期一


2009年 Ogilvy Earth 發表 From Greenwash to Great.  A Practical Guide to Green Marketing (without the Greenwash) 白皮書.. 今年剛剛又發表一篇紅皮書Mainstream Green : Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Intent and Action.       Green Gap Is Bigger Than Ever  根據此調查, 85% 的美國人有環保綠色意識 (但是82%不知如何計算carbon footprint碳足跡.) 只有16%的人實際採取行動, 是所謂深綠基本教義派. 66%"the Middle Green" (淺綠)被業者忽略.........
當政府正式否決國光石化開發案, 標示著永續政策終於獲得青睞, 環保綠色漸漸進入主流的邊緣. 業主的環保主張即將從 " 口號標榜式....聊備一格. " 漸漸朝向重點開發.... 可以想像得到國內即將出現相關專業顧問公司以及專業行銷溝通廣告公司.
九個月來, 持續農夫市場和有機商店的觀察, 明顯發現蠢蠢欲動的市場脈動. 可惜有心業者往往缺乏市場行銷概念 推廣得不太理想 ( 例如台大農學院學弟妹新創的 " 綠藤生機 " ....還擁有鄭正勇教授的支持 .) 業績好的業者, 實在說, 產品並非太棒....
三年多來希望成立綠色永續行銷溝通顧問公司的心願, 因為找不到夥伴, 無法正式成立. 希望集資成立綠色永續微型創投的計劃, 尚未有具體資金進來, 無法正式運作. 還好自己依然樂此不疲, 初心不變, 繼續向夢想邁進.... 一路上的孤寂真的是享受.
地球日剛剛過完, 李鎮成中國天津 " 中新生態城... 萬通...柏翠園 " 的景觀(文字山水)工程, 預計五月底完工. [S.L.OW.永續樂活^有機幸福]..行銷品牌顧問工作室的合夥人, 竟然會是李鎮成羅麗珍, 實在說世事難料, 生命中太多意外!

[永續發展]...是前瞻性驅勢與觀念 , 實踐上, 有一定的難度. 先行者披荊斬棘, 一路上沒指標, 需要獨立思考, 自我創新. 若資源匱乏, 毅力不足, 先驅就成了先烈!!! 之所以活到今天, 真要感謝過去二十年來支持我的親朋好友.


Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Intent and Action

As we all know, what consumers say they will do and what they actually do are often contradictory. Consumers may have the best intentions, but how do we actually motivate them to act on these intentions? This is what OgilvyEarth set out to uncover in their latest research.

The findings enable marketers to understand the “Green Gap”, the discrepancy between stated intention and behavior when it comes to living sustainably, offer solutions on how to close the Green Gap and reveal the opportunities that exist for the brands who are able to change consumer behavior.

Discover more about the Green Gap in the US and China by exploring the following resources.

Download the full paper
Download the executive summary
Download the executive summary[EN][CN]
Download the press release
Download the press release[EN][CN]
Listen to an interview on Mainstream Green
Watch the Get Going With Green video
To gain a deeper understanding of the Green Gap, its implications, and solutions, please email eddie.fernandez@ogilvy.com
To find out more about the Green Gap and its implications for China’s emerging environmental landscape, please email hannah.lane@ogilvy.com

Past Thought Papers

Great things happen when forward thinking brands connect with forward thinking sustainability leaders. Through this type of collaboration, corporations are better prepared to move their brands into a new economy where sustainability is an emerging cornerstone. OgilvyEarth’s value is its unique ability to connect its clients to summits, conferences, blogs, papers, and speakers critical to their success in this growing space.

We at OgilvyEarth also contribute to this information and knowledge exchange. Our own thought leaders—a mix of creatives, planners and consultants—collaborate with the green community to establish our own point of view on sustainability and understand the opportunities this presents for our clients’ business.

White Paper:  From Greenwash to Great.  A Practical Guide to Green Marketing (without the Greenwash)

In 2009, we saw the dawn of a new age - the Age of Sustainability. OgilvyEarth's whitepaper delves into the contours of this exciting era and hones in on the huge opportunities for brands and bottom lines.

