
2011年11月24日 星期四

國外五家能創造新工作的社會企業 :WORN,Selfless Tee,Hotels For Hope,Runa,Yellow 108,,

via : triplepundit, By 3p Guest Author | November 17th, 2011

Five Companies that Make Philanthropy Work, and Make Work Philanthropy

關於社會企業的觀念, 慢慢在國內發芽. 
<獲利>是企業經營的目標之一, 但可以不是唯一目的.
<人性自私>或許無法否認, 但是有些人願意多為別人著想, 為公共利益著想.
眼見金融海嘯三年來, 資本主義正當性不再像以前那樣理所當然. .Social Enterprise, Social Business,的趨勢慢慢在國內出現, 以後希望自己創辦一家, 該有多好.

WORN is the social business arm of the Catholic Charities Fort Worth (CCFW).
Selfless Tee
Selfless Tee just so happens to be a social enterprise that was a winner in the first Pepsi Refresh contest.  In the words of one of the founders, Danny Bocanegra, “[Selfless Tee] runs campaigns with organizations using unique, cause-inspired apparel giving back 100% of the profits to the organization after the campaign.” 
Hotels For Hope
Hotels For Hope is a social enterprise that was founded by Neil Goldman after a chance encounter with Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, and is being acknowledged as a Silver Sponsor at the Special Olympics Texas Fall Classic.  In his own words, he “realized that [his] ‘ticket in life’ was to shift [the] for-profit business into a social enterprise.”  What evolved was a company that adds a layer of social good to the simple act of securing hotel rooms
Yellow 108
Yellow 108 is a sustainable hats and accessories company that uses salvaged and recycled materials.  Textile factories produce an enormous amount of waste.  Yellow 108 minimizes waste by turning it into something fashionable that everyone can wear.  They are trendy and environmentally responsible.  It doesn’t get much better than that.
Runa is a social enterprise beverage company that specializes in selling Guayusa (“gwhy-you-sa”).  As the founder Tyler Gage will tell you, Guayusa is “a native Amazonian tree leaf that contains more caffeine and double the antioxidants of any tea.”  That in and of itself is pretty fantastic.  But, Runa takes it a step further.  It is a hybrid organization and also runs a non-profit Fundación Runa.  

