
2010年11月30日 星期二


錯過這場精彩的演講, 實在可惜.
 沒聽市集朋友提起, 真該去聽的人沒去聽, 辦活動有什麼意義?
從資料上看, 冠冕堂皇; 但是其中問題可多, 每個主講者都很奇怪. 行政院農委會對如此題目, 膚淺如是, 令人噴飯痛心.

via : People Post 公民新聞平台 2010-10-20 11:12:06
請於本課程訊息頁面下方點擊〔個人報名〕或〔團體報名〕鈕進行報名(報名教學)。報名資格以農民及農企業機構為優先,主辦單位保留接受報名權利,報名者以收到出席通知信為確認完成報名,報到時請攜帶出席通知信函,不符資格者不再另行告知。洽詢電話:02-2586-5000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              02-2586-5000      end_of_the_skype_highlighting轉429陳小姐、415林小姐。
  • 時間:99年11月08日(星期一)09:00~17:10
  • 地點:農委會10樓1012會議室(臺北市中正區南海路37號)
  • 主辦單位:行政院農業委員會
  • 協辦單位:台灣經濟研究院
  • 議程:
    1. 09:00~09:20:報到 (請於9:20前完成報到手續)
    2. 09:20~09:30:開幕式(農委會長官致詞)
    3. 09:30~11:20:農業的∞無限價值(福山農莊創辦人 楊政宏先生):全球趨勢~碳足跡與食物里程、形成良性循環~有機農業價值高、福山農莊的創新經營模式:社群支持型農場CSA的介紹
    4. 11:20~11:30:休息
    5. 11:30~12:30:企業經營分享(在欉紅創辦人 顧瑋小姐)
    6. 12:30~13:30:午餐
    7. 13:30~15:30:推動在地農產行銷(手機王創辦人/中原大學資管系教授 劉士豪先生
    8. 15:30~15:40 :休息
    9. 15:40~17:10:網際網路時代行銷新趨勢(讚點子數位行銷有限公司總監 權自強先生)
  • 註:議程、地點、及講師,主辦單位保有變更權利。


via : 主婦聯盟 會訊第181期 (2003年2月)




   當我們談著有機農業時,也應關切著更廣大的一般農友的生計現況;在全世界的小農及家庭式農場都面臨嚴苛的生存現實-那就是,必需與大型農業集團或進口食物在零售市場上作競爭。過去的17年來,北美洲開始了一種農友與消費者攜手的「產地直送」的社區支持型農業(Community Supported Agriculture),簡稱為CSA。



假日的露天農夫市場 Farmers' Market





為什麼在農夫市集沒聽人講? 主流媒體沒報導, 這個「全國有機農業日」到底怎麼個來頭?下次來問楊儒門!

via : 2010-11-11 中央網路報

全國有機農業日 產官學消費者共同推動無毒農業有機生活理念

全國有機農業日 產官學消費者共同推動無毒農業有機生活理念

http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2010-11-11 20:02:27













昨天為呈綠六十大壽禮物, 逛微風購物中心. 在超級市場發現[秋田慢活美食展], 大概因為朋友在企劃明年慢活活動, 特別注意一下.
 這可不得了, 物產豐富, 價廉物美, 把口袋現金花光.
主辦單位 : 社団法人 秋田県貿易促進協会 可夠用心. 當然也猜測該單位有多少預算花在該活動? 谷歌搜尋之後, 知道更多細節, 該活動選擇台北兩個頂級超市舉辦, 下一檔一月分份將在City'super舉行; 只是遠企場地狹小, 不知是否承辦?
舉辦event勞民傷財, 對營商業者又有不得不然的原因. 想起二十年前呈綠投資聯廣老同事陳旭崗公司的往事, 辦event的公司在台灣一如其他專業服務, 業者像勞力業, 不以腦力取勝, 比價殺價習以為生存唯一法則, 當然發包的業者怨言也不少 ....
廣告行銷服務業在國內是不夠成熟的產業, 像是半手工業.
奢談什麼創意文化產業 ? 張大春撈過界 (或許張先生不只是創作者, 兼具一人創意文化公司經營者身份.) 大發牢騷, 媒體還大幅報導. 真正搞創意文化的資訊, 媒體著墨粗淺到像沾醬油.

《留言送美味》秋田慢活美食大公開 2010/09/30 22:03:09

2010/09/30 22:03:09
東北亞 > 日本 > 美食



◎ 活動方式:只要在本篇文章下方,留言回答簡單小問題,並留下你對秋田物產的意見或感想,填上E-mail就可參加抽獎。

◎ 活動問題:
◎ 活動期間:
˙元祖級老店「七代佐藤養助」稻庭烏龍麵  3名
˙秋田必嚐烤米棒  3名


˙秋田小町米(2公斤裝)  3名 




谷歌搜索, 得知潮寮地區已經多次空污事件.

一方面, 人民百姓對生活品質要求提高.
另一方面, 人口增加地球擁擠, 工業甚至農業生產被逼迫提高生產量, 土地環境負荷超重.
再一方面, 應運而生的環保團體集結愈來愈大的力量.

2010年11月29日 星期一

Mother Nature Network 與248農學市集的展望

前天黃昏天已黑, 到四四南村找不到洪祥輝老師.
問他為什麼沒來? 原來為天母店裡演講才來台北, 聯絡上時, 他說在南下的高鐵上.
有次聽儒門與旗山朋友約見面的事, 他要節省高鐵與夜快車差價, 買市集產品當伴手禮.

市集上下裡外, 除少數例外, 經濟都屬弱勢, 撐下去的動力或許有所差異, 擁有程度不同理念是一致. 248農學市集要能茁壯發展的單一策略是網路戰術......Mother Nature Network提供一個參考.

via : adage. Nov 22, 2010.

Green Website Finds Sustainable Model in Creating Custom Ads :

In October, Mother Nature Network drew 874,000 unique visitors, according to ComScore, making it the fifth most popular in ComScore's "green" category, which also includes nonprofit groups and governmental agencies. (The Environmental Protection Agency website drew 861,000 unique visitors, the Sierra Club's 204,000.)

2010年11月28日 星期日

大型化妝品、藥廠 將停止動物實驗

"Reduction and Refinement: Combining Excellence in Science and Animal Welfare"
30 November 2010,
European Commission
Charlemagne building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat),
BE-1049 Brussels

 大型化妝品、藥廠 將停止動物實驗 (2010-11-29 自由時報)

Placement advertising 置入性廣告蓬勃發展

置入性行銷(Placement marketing,又名置入式行銷),或稱為產品置入(Product placement),是指刻意將行銷事物以巧妙的手法置入既存媒體,以期藉由既存媒體的曝光率來達成廣告效果。行銷事物和既存媒體不一定相關,一般閱聽人也不一定能察覺其為一種行銷手段。


  • 作者:鄭自隆

  • 出版社:正中書局

  • 出版日期:2008年08月01日

  • 電視新聞商業置入廠商身份揭露、產品類型以及置入策略對新聞可信度的影響
    並列篇名A Study On The Effectiveness of Product-Placement Marketing On Internet
    關鍵字網路廣告置入性行銷廣告效果product placementadvertising effectivenessInternet advertising


    有人為了好玩趣味, 有人為推廣環保理念.
    為什麼沒人商品化? 可以是個社會責任企業的經營項目.
    更有價值的應用應該是政治人物, 自我回收 , 加工再製, 表達擁抱環保的行動與心意.
    下次參選時, 將加工品義賣, 非常棒的創意.


    2010年11月27日 星期六


    • 2010-11-27
    • 中國時報
    • 【黃菁菁】

    2010年11月26日 星期五

    Re Fashion Awards

    Re Fashion Awards

    From People Tree to Alberta Ferretti, Emma Watson's ethical style way.

       Emma Watson 走紅哈利波特Hermione一角之後, 擔任Burberry模特兒, 與英國公平貿易品牌People Tree合作的有機服裝系列, 在今年二月上市, 受好評, 又推出秋冬系列. 現在受義大利設計師Alberta Ferretti之邀聯合設計系列有機服飾.

    不像一般明星藉知名度換鈔票, 自誇自我品牌產品由自己企劃/設計/監製.
    Emma Watson低調謙虛參與, 給商品加分, 販賣利益悉皆歸諸公益.

    In September 2009, Watson announced her involvement with People Tree, a Fair Trade fashion brand.[82] Watson worked as a 'creative advisor' for People Tree to create a spring line of clothing, which was released in February 2010;[82][83] the range featured styles inspired by southern France and the City of London.[83][84] The collection, described by The Times as "very clever" despite their "quiet hope that [she] would become tangled at the first hemp-woven hurdle",[85] was widely publicised in tabloids such as You magazine, Heat Magazine, Teen Vogue,[86] Cosmopolitan, and People. Watson, who was not paid for the collaboration,[87] admitted that competition for the range was minimal,[85] but argued that "Fashion is a great way to empower people and give them skills; rather than give cash to charity you can help people by buying the clothes they make and supporting things they take pride in";[88] adding, "I think young people like me are becoming increasingly aware of the humanitarian issues surrounding fast fashion and want to make good choices but there aren't many options out there."[85] Watson continued her involvement with People Tree, resulting in a release of a 2010 Autumn/Winter collectionEmma Watson and Alberta Ferretti Are Making a Jane Birkin–Inspired Organic Clothing Line Together11/12/10 at 3:45 PM

    Ferretti first contacted Watson after learning about the actress's People Tree organic clothing line. "She wrote to me and said, 'I saw what you did with People Tree and I think it's a great idea and will you do something with me?'" Watson said.
    聯合報 2010.11.26 03:21 am 妙麗變設計師 支持環保時尚
    「妙麗」艾瑪華特森女大十八變,剪了俏麗短髮的她,不但變美了,且在知名學府布朗大學的熏陶下,變得更有生意頭腦與時尚品味。最近她透露將與義大利Alberta Ferretti合作推出新裝,主張公平交易、環保和保護動物,正是時下時尚的新主流。
    今年才20歲的艾瑪華特森,日前才被富比世評列「最會賺錢的好萊塢女星」,不過她不以此為滿足,近年來她受邀擔任Burberry廣告代言女星,並受邀為公平交易的服飾品牌People Tree設計服飾,朝時尚圈發表的意圖十分明顯。
    近日她接受美國周刊的訪問時表示,她將與Alberta Ferretti合作推出環保新裝,產品採用第三世界貧農生產的有機棉。為了支持「環保時尚」的理念,艾瑪華特森甚至不收分文,免費為Alberta Ferretti操刀設計。
    【2010/11/26 聯合報】

    2010年11月17日 星期三


    1. 美國環保回收日,是由可口可樂 /百事可樂/國際包裝水聯盟/百威啤酒....等公司合組的環保回收聯盟 National Recycling Coalition:推動. 當然隱含各廠商的共同商業利益, 無可厚非.
    2. 活動核心是 : " 推廣可回收再利用包裝容器的使用. " 提高使用率.
    3. 終極理念是 : "零廢棄物. " 或者 "回收加值再利用. ".

    via : treehugger

    Recycling is Bullshit; Make Nov. 15 Zero Waste Day, not America Recycles Day

    It's Time for Deposits. On Everything.Perhaps I drink too much beer. I have grown very comfortable with a system where I pay a dime deposit on a bottle and when I want more, I stick the empties in its handy Scarborough Suitcase and take it back to the same place I bought it from. The Beer Store therefore is able to refill 98% of the bottles it sells. When everyone's knickers were in a twist about mercury in CFLs, I wondered why they don't just put a 25 cent deposit on them and have people bring them back. People do have to replace them, just like the beer bottle, so what is the hassle?
    When I read that 350 million batteries are going into the trash in Canada alone, annually leaking "747 tonnes of lead, which is known to impair intelligence in children; 0.5 tonnes of mercury, which can damage the human nervous system; and 287 tonnes of nickel, 543 tonnes of zinc, and 3,501 tonnes of manganese," I wonder why we can't exchange a dead one for a new one and save the deposit. After all, you need to replace it so if you are careful, you only pay a deposit once. ::the Star
    rolluprim.jpgEven coffee cups. In Toronto, our beloved Tim Hortons cups are filling the City's garbage bins to overflowing. Environmentalist City Councillor Gord Perks says there is too much waste and a city audit "makes it clear the extent to which the city of Toronto, both in households, in street cleaning and in our parks, is paying for the fact the province will not regulate packaging and will not make the manufacturers and producers of that waste pay the cost of cleaning it up – which means the property taxpayer has to pay for it (and) we have to spend precious dollars from our parks department." ::The Star Perhaps there should be a dime deposit on every cup and any deposits not returned to the customer should be given to the City.
    Recycling on the taxpayers nickel as we do it now not the answer, it is time for producer responsibility and zero waste. Put a deposit on everything from automobiles to small appliances to hamburger clamshells to water bottles to coffee cups and see how much less garbage we have about.

    a Zero Waste Society Showing a picture from (now defunct) Garbagescout at the Worldchanging book launch, Alex Steffen said something like: "Garbage is simply useful stuff in the wrong place". It is true- In Toronto we have no beer bottle garbage, because there is a ten cent deposit on them. In the UK, the Institute for Public Policy Research is calling for Britain to become a zero waste society. It says taxes should be applied to disposable products such as razors and cameras, encouraging people to buy more lasting products. They say consumers should learn to repair and reuse items rather than throwing them out, as well as recycling more. The think-tank report wants manufacturers to be compelled to design durable products that can be reused rather than throwaway plastic that will need regular, and profitable, replacement. 'We have become an increasingly throwaway society, reliant on cheap, disposable and hard to recycle goods,' said Nick Pearce, the think-tank's director. 'Business needs to take greater responsibility for the whole life of a product.' ::Guardian

    美國環保回收日 提倡 " 零廢棄物 鞥新概念

    十一月十五日是美國環保回收日, 諸多關心還保回收廠商, 合作舉辦活動,.
    在可預見的未來, 這種活動即將在國內出現, 讓我們樂觀以待.
    或許可以更積極一些, 先來構思草稿, 擬訂可能方案, 伺機而動.
    或許可以找有心人, 先來交換看法, 可以找誰會比較好 ? 真的一時無措. 無奈又奈何 !

    via : treehugger. Nov 12. 2010. Turn America Recycles Day into Zero Waste Day

     It's that time of year again; Monday, November 15 is America Recycles Day. Even the EPA is into it this year, telling us that "By teaching our children the importance of recycling, they can take lessons of environmental consciousness with them throughout their lives.."
    But what is the lesson and who wrote the lesson plan? It's brought to you by these sponsors:
    sponsors image
    Among others, we have beer companies. Soda pop companies. The plastics lobby group. Bottled water companies. Garbage haulers. All the people who have a vested interest in you buying more crap, the people who are essentially making you feel good about participating in a system where they get to make more glass, more plastic and ship it farther. This took a lot of work; as Heather Rogers said in Alternet:
    I think it's important to acknowledge what's happened on the cultural level in terms of indoctrinating people to disposability. A lot of effort has been made to teach people to throw things away. It's not something that that comes natural to people. It's just use something and discard it, that's something we've had to learn how to do.
    returnable bottles
    Image credit: Heather Rogers, Trash
    And look at what a terrific job they have done of educating us; the refillable bottle has just about disappeared in America. The local brewer and bottler is almost extinct. They have us so well trained that when I discussed with our own Pablo the fact that I didn't think beer cans were green, he responded "I just think that the US culture needs some work before they will accept drinking from a "used" bottle." He's probably right.

    America Recycles Day
    celebrates a culture of waste. It is designed to make us feel good about throwing things away. Instead we should be promoting a culture of zero waste and producer responsibility. Let's show Nestle Waters and the American Chemistry Council how its done by making November 15 Zero Waste Day. Recycling isn't good enough anymore. Here's the plan for Monday:
    • Support a restaurant that has real mugs and china.
    • Support companies that practice corporate responsibility and take their products back at end of life.
    • Buy only fresh food that comes without packaging.
    • Don't buy anything disposable for just one day.

    十一月為 " 素食月 " ....Vegan MoFo (Month of Food)

    美國今年新創活動Vegan MoFo (Month of Food)正在進行中 !

    為減碳節能, 週一素食無肉日的觀念大被理解與接受, 慢慢獲得一些人的行動響應.

    美國網路Post Punk Kitchen ( 素食與素料烘焙網站 ) , 仿傚美國小說寫作月模式(NaNoWriMo), 今年創造Vegan MoFo (Month of Food) 素食月的概念, 訂十一月為 " 素食月 " , 有七百人聯簽署響應 . 共同在網路交換素食食譜秘方與烹飪心得. 具體活動是 :
     "呼籲參加者, 每天盡可能上網寫作, 十一月這個月ㄝ每人最少二十條. "


    via : treehugger Now's the Time to Try Going Vegan - November is Vegan MoFo (planetgreen, Nov 3, 2010 )

    We all know we should be reducing the amount of meat and other animal products we eat. Maybe we do Meatless Monday or are "weekday vegetarians,", but we're ready to take that next step and either eat more vegan meals or switch over to a vegan diet all together.
    If you want to learn more about eating vegan, November is the month to do it.

    Vegan MoFo!

    Vegan MoFo (Month of Food) was founded by Post Punk Kitchen as a kind of vegan version of NaNoWriMo. Participants spend the month of November cooking and writing about vegan food as much as humanly possible. The goal is to write something every single day, posting a minimum of 20 times. With nearly 700 participants this year, you will undoubtedly find plenty of inspiration for eating vegan.
    Participants will be posting plenty of recipes, but they'll also be posting relevant cooking tips and product reviews, along with more personal posts about their experiences cooking without animal products. Definitely worth a look, and, who knows? Maybe next year you'll find yourself blogging along as well!

    American Hottest Brands

    via : Ade Age, Nov. 16. 2010.


    John Harrobin, VP-Marketing Communications and CRM, Verizon

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Since Verizon Wireless launched its line of Droid phones, Google's entire Android smartphone platform has seen explosive growth.


    Dana Walden, Chairman of 20th Century Fox Television
    Gary Newman, Chairman of 20th Century Fox Television
    Kevin Reilly, President of Entertainment, Fox

    LOS ANGELES (AdAge.com) -- Not only has "Glee" become a hit series that can draw big audiences without the aid of "American Idol," but it's also become a bona fide pop-culture phenomenon not seen since, well, "Idol."


    Craig Bierley, Advertising and Promotions Director, Buick and GMC

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Buoyed by Buick's success in China, GM transformed the brand and repositioned it for a different audience. As a result, Buick is the fastest-growing major automotive brand in the U.S.
    Beats by Dr. Dre

    Beats by Dr. Dre

    Jimmy Iovine, Chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Over the past year, the high-end Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, which cost anywhere from $99 to $450, have slowly started replacing the ubiquitous white ear buds sold with iPods.


    Sean "Diddy" Combs, Brand Manager-CMO

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- Made in France, Cîroc vodka has what importer Diageo likes to call "liquid credentials" -- it is one of the first vodkas made from fine French grapes, mauzac blanc and ugni blanc, and it is distilled five times. But what really sets this brand apart are its street credentials.


    Tony Post, Vibram USA President-CEO

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- It isn't easy to reinvent a 75-year-old company, especially with a product that people have deemed "ugly" and "disgusting," but that's exactly what Vibram has done in the past few years with its FiveFingers shoes brand.
    Conan O'Brien

    Conan O'Brien

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- After Conan O'Brien left the Peacock network altogether, instead of fading from view, his star -- and brand -- glimmers more brightly than ever, thanks in large part to an army of online fans and a savvy integrated marketing campaign to promote his new show on TBS, "Conan."


    Leonard Armato, President, Skechers Fitness Group

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- In most cases, being all things to all people is a recipe for disaster. In the case of Skechers, it's led to massive growth. In 2009, net sales were $1.4 billion. In 2010, the company is on track to grow sales by 30% to $2 billion, no easy feat for a mature company.


    John Krafcik, President-CEO, Hyundai Motor America

    LOS ANGELES (AdAge.com) -- One year ago, Ad Age named Hyundai the 2009 Marketer of the Year. Hyundai kept rolling in 2010, with year-to-date U.S. sales jumping 21% (twice the industry's growth rate). Factor out fleet volume (such as rental fleets), and Hyundai's retail sales to consumers are up a whopping 29%.
    Bass Pro Shops

    Bass Pro Shops

    Johnny Morris, CEO

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Few retail stores can say they also serve as theme parks, summer camps and community centers in their regions, but Bass Pro Shops has made itself an exception.


    Mark Fields, Exec VP of Ford Motor Co. and President of the Americas

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- Ford Motor Co. was Ad Age's 2010 Marketer of the Year, so it was an easy call to name Ford one of America's Hottest Brands. But Ford's turnaround is a complex story of doing many things right: an appealing product; high quality, innovative marketing; gutsy financial moves; and a focus on the company's core brand.


    Rob Solomon, President-Chief Operating Officer

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Everyone's going gaga for Groupon. In less than a year, the Chicago-based company has swelled from 3 million subscribers in the U.S. to 25 million subscribers in nearly 30 countries around the world, including Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Russia and Argentina.
    Dos Equis

    Dos Equis

    Paul Smailes, Brand Director

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- For Dos Equis importer Heineken USA, "The Most Interesting Man in the World" campaign has meant big sales at a time when other beers are struggling to battle the headwinds of a recession and competition from smaller craft brewers.


    Christopher Bailey, Chief Creative Officer

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Burberry, under Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey, stands out all the more as one of the brands that has been a beacon of what's possible in the fashion realm.
    Dale's Pale Ale

    Dale's Pale Ale

    Dale Katechis, Founder, Oskar Blues Brewery

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- Dale's Pale Ale, which first made as a home brew by Mr. Katechis while in college, is one of the hottest beers in the sizzling craft category.


    Dan Jackson, Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble Co.

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- Recession and oil spills are certainly bad, but they've ultimately helped sell Procter & Gamble Co.'s Dawn dish soap in the past year as the brand that combined innovation, value messaging and doing good to do very well for itself.
    5 Gum

    5 Gum

    Paul Chibe, VP of U.S. Gum and Mints, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- With its slick packaging, innovative flavors and highly produced ads, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.'s 5 gum continues to gain momentum in the sugarless-gum category.


    Derek Bowen, VP-Marketing for U.S. Hair Care, Alberto-Culver

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- Alberto-Culver Co.'s Tresemmé was the only mid-tier value brand among major entrants to gain share in U.S. shampoo, conditioner and styling alike last year.


    Debra Sandler, Chief Consumer Officer, Mars Chocolate North America

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- In a salty-sweet combo, M&M's Pretzel Chocolate Candies debuted in May, and their instant popularity has helped candy giant Mars post impressive sales gains for the M&M's brand.

    The Hunger Games

    Suzanne Collins, Author, 'The Hunger Games' Trilogy

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- For a young-adult novel to find "Harry Potter"-level success is a feat often attempted but rarely achieved over the past decade. (Anyone remember "A Series of Unfortunate Events"?) But if any teen-lit franchise shows the potential to reach the critical mass of teen-wizard and vampire proportions, it's Scholastic's "Hunger Games" series, which -- tellingly -- is about to get the film treatment.


    Ben Rotholtz, VP-Marketing

    YORK, Pa. (AdAge.com) -- From its launch in spring 2009, "Plants vs. Zombies" captured attention with its friendly-looking zombie attackers and funky plant weapons. Casual gamers and hard-core console players were both drawn to the game.


    Gary Cohen, Senior VP-President of Marketing and Customer Experience

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Six years after test-launching its DVD vending-machine concept at Denver-area McDonald's restaurants, Redbox is resonating with recession-bitten families across America searching for affordable ways to have fun.
    My Pillow Pets

    My Pillow Pets

    Jennifer Telfer, CEO, CJ Products

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- What started as a wish to bring some practicality to an otherwise frivolous pile of stuffed animals in a little boy's room has, in seven years, turned into a multimillion-dollar global business. That, in short, is the My Pillow Pets story.
    Gillette Fusion ProGlide

    Gillette Fusion ProGlide

    Michelle Potorski, Associate Marketing Director, Gillette Male Shaving in North America

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- While it's still early days, ProGlide sent Gillette's razor sales up 43% in the third quarter and its already commanding share up 3.4 points to 67.7% in the third quarter.

    Miami Heat

    Michael McCullough, Exec VP-Chief Marketing Officer

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- This past summer the NBA's Miami Heat were suddenly not only the league's hottest property, but the target of the type of venom reserved only for the likes of the New York Yankees and Duke men's basketball team, thanks to LeBron James's arrival.


    Philip Schiller, Senior VP-Worldwide Product Marketing

    YORK, PA. (AdAge.com) -- From the moment the iPad was announced in January, the sleek touch tablet has generated headlines, spurred competitors' own pad-product development and marketing, and grabbed an early market share lead in the emerging category.


    Keith Belling, CEO

    In 2007, future PopChips CEO Keith Belling set out to find the holy grail of snacking. What he found wasn't just a new chip brand, it was a whole new category.


    Michelle Wilson, Exec VP-Marketing, World Wrestling Entertainment

    LOS ANGELES (AdAge.com) -- Although it's a nearly 30-year-old franchise, World Wrestling Entertainment may be having its biggest year yet in 2010. Since transitioning from an adult-targeted TV and event property to a family-friendly, PG-rated property in 2008, the WWE has conquered more platforms and pop-culture milestones in the last two years than nearly all of its previous iterations.
    Silly Bandz

    Silly Bandz

    Robert Croak, CEO, BCP Imports

    YORK, Pa. (AdAge.com) -- Who could have imagined that animal-shaped rubber bands would set off a trend the likes of which hasn't been seen since Webkinz? BCP Imports CEO and owner of the Silly Bandz brand, Robert Croak, did. He jumped into the market in late 2008,


    Josh Silverman, Senior VP-Global Business Affairs and Strategy
    Dan Buckley, president and publisher, Marvel Worldwide

    LOS ANGELES (AdAge.com) To most moviegoers, "Iron Man" means little more than Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr. and a pair of blockbuster films that have collectively grossed more than $630 million in the U.S. alone. But to comic book fans, "Iron Man" is just a small piece of a much larger puzzle called "The Avengers" that Marvel Entertainment is about to capitalize on in an even bigger way over the next three years.


    Eric Schwartz, VP-North American Laundry Marketing, Henkel

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- U.S. laundry aisles saw plenty of broken dreams and discontinued products about 10 years ago, when marketers thought consumers were ready for new forms such as tablets and home dry-cleaning kits. But in 2009 Purex Complete generated $67 million in year-one sales and beat first-year sales for the next biggest laundry product launch of the year, Tide Stain Release.
    Old Spice

    Old Spice

    James Moorhead, Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble Co.

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- Isaiah Mustafa, aka the Old Spice Guy, ranks with Wendy's pitchwoman Clara "Where's the Beef" Peller among those who transcended ad greatness to achieve pop-culture stardom.


    Willie Vadnais, Co-founder

    SAN FRANCISCO (AdAge.com) -- ThinkGeek is one of those magical brands whose multimillion-dollar success stems from nothing but authenticity. No agencies, no marketing strategies -- nothing but a few IT guys back in 1999 who thought it would be fun to sell a funny inside-joke-style T-shirt to all the other long-suffering men and women on the frontlines of the creation of the internet.
    U by Kotex

    U by Kotex

    Andrew Meurer, VP-feminine and Adult Care

    BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- "Break the Cycle" campaign brings U by Kotex out of a sinking slump and boosts sales.
    Reebok EasyTone

    Reebok EasyTone

    Katrin Ley, Head of Brand Strategy, Business Development and Women's Sport Business

    NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Reebok has been credited with fueling the aerobics craze of the 1980s, and three decades later it's out to do the same with the toning category. The company's EasyTone footwear has captured a third of the billion-dollar market, said Matt Powell, an analyst at SportsOneSource.


    Scott Rhodes, Director of the Organic Growth Group, Waste Management

    CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- Start with a bag. Make it big like a dumpster. Sell it at Home Depot. And have the nation's largest waste-management company swing by your house to take it away. This is the simple premise behind Bagster, Waste Management's "Dumpster in a Bag."


    Sophia Therios, Director-Marketing, McDonald's USA


    How Proposed Changes to the FTC’s “Green Guides” Can Impact You


    via : feltland, Nov 9.2010 . Make your voice heard in coming standards for green marketing

    Changes are ahead in the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines for “green” marketing, and professionals in design, marketing and advertising have an opportunity to shape the standards-to-be. Today at the LivingPrinciples.org, Don Carli, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Communication, explores why the creative community’s role in this process is critical … and how you can get involved in the discussion.
    Green marketing is in front of consumers’ eyes every day. But there’s a vast gap between what marketers think green claims mean and what consumers really understand. To bridge the divide, the FTC is proposing revisions to its “Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims,” also known as the Green Guides. In his article, “Design, Green Marketing and Greenwashing: How Proposed Changes to the FTC’s ‘Green Guides’ Can Impact You,” Carli explains the Green Guides, the proposed standards and what designers, marketers and advertisers can do to guide the process.

    How Proposed Changes to the FTC’s “Green Guides” Can Impact You

    I am a (invisible) mastermind of Taiwan cultural creative industry .

    2010年11月16日 星期二


    資源循環型社會是理想的未來式, 有賴加值型Upcycling品牌的企業化經營來催化與推動.

    via : 資源回收國際研討會 成大登場
    • 2010-11-17
    • 中國時報
    • 洪榮志、黃文博/台南報導


    "衣5衣10 簡單幸福" 創造Upcycling服飾品牌

    國外許多的Upcycling服飾品牌顯然高明太多, 實踐大學服裝設計系學生應該利用二手衣改造技術, 創造品牌, 藉減碳議題作媒體公關, 加上國內第一個Upcycling品牌的獨特意義,應該會是個成功另類服飾品牌.

     via : 台北市環保局





    via : 人間福報, APEC領袖宣言 以社群建構未來 2010/11/15

     via : APEC leaders agree on growth strategy to match changing economic environment
    "Structural reform, along with appropriate macroeconomic policies, is essential in achieving strong, sustained, and balanced economic growth," noted the document, which also called for the implementation of an APEC Green Plan and the "Action Plan for Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment, and Achieving Inclusive Growth" adopted at the APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting in Beijing in September 2010.

    2010年11月6日 星期六


    美國共和黨取得新一屆國會眾議院的控制權,共和黨眾議院領袖貝納(John Boehner)3日表示,削減聯邦政府支出是國會明年的首要議程,貝納先生就是與高爾唱反調, 認為降低二氧化碳排放並那樣重要有意義.

    任何主張都有異議者; 唱反調要有本事.

    via : treehugger, Just Weird: Boehner Says It's 'Comical' to Say Carbon Dioxide is Dangerous

    by Daniel Kessler, San Francisco, California on 04.20.09

    Business & Politics

    Video via Think Progress
    In a strange exchange, House Minority Leader John Boehner told ABC's George Stephenopoulos yesterday that "the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide."
    It seems that President Obama and others have a ways to go before Rep. Boehner is ready to tackle climate change. They better hurry up because debate on the Markey-Waxman American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act begins soon.
    The video speaks for itself. Transcript below.
    STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me ask you then about energy. We showed your statement on the president's decision through the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases. Also, you've come out against the president's proposal to cap-and-trade carbon emissions. So what is the Republican answer to climate change? Is it a problem? Do you have a plan to address it?

    2010年11月5日 星期五


    第個問題 : 請問您知道"台北國際花卉博覽會"的英文名稱嗎?

    "2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition" is it!

    第貳個問題 : 請問您知道第一屆歐洲綠色首都慶祝活動剛剛舉辦嗎?

    google : European Green Capitl

    第參個問題 : 請問您知道同樣預算可以打造吸引一百倍國際媒體報導的花卉博覽會嗎?

    google : vertical farming
    google : vertical farm
    請 google : 垂直農場

    垂直農業軟硬體技術已經發展很久, 接近可商業運轉階段. 計劃很多, 沒一個正式動工.
    Despommier argues that the technology to construct vertical farms currently exists. He also states that the system can be profitable and effective, a claim evidenced by some preliminary research posted on the project's website. Developers and local governments in the following cities have expressed serious interest in establishing a vertical farm: Incheon (South Korea), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), and Dongtan (China),[23] New York City, Portland, Ore., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Surrey, B.C., Toronto, Paris, Bangalore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Incheon, Shanghai and Beijing. The Illinois Institute of Technology is now crafting a detailed plan for Chicago. It is suggested that prototype versions of vertical farms should be created first, possibly at large universities interested in the research of vertical farms, in order to prevent failures such as the Biosphere 2 project in Oracle, Arizona.[24]
    In 2010, the Green Zionist Alliance proposed a resolution at the 36th World Zionist Congress calling on Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael (Jewish National Fund in Israel) to develop vertical farms in Israel.[25]
    美國技術最成熟, 中國/南韓/以色列最有野心.
    假如台灣建造一個"垂直花卉園" 從宣佈計劃開動, 就是一條熱門國際新聞!

    Why garden vertically? So, is vertical gardening about gobbling up our greenhouse emissions, keeping our living spaces cooler or about creating our own green sanctuaries in the concrete jungle? Well, probably more than a touch of all those things. There is no doubt that plants can play a very real role in reducing our green house emissions and of course, take in pollutants from the air while realizing life-giving oxygen.