
2010年11月17日 星期三

十一月為 " 素食月 " ....Vegan MoFo (Month of Food)

美國今年新創活動Vegan MoFo (Month of Food)正在進行中 !

為減碳節能, 週一素食無肉日的觀念大被理解與接受, 慢慢獲得一些人的行動響應.

美國網路Post Punk Kitchen ( 素食與素料烘焙網站 ) , 仿傚美國小說寫作月模式(NaNoWriMo), 今年創造Vegan MoFo (Month of Food) 素食月的概念, 訂十一月為 " 素食月 " , 有七百人聯簽署響應 . 共同在網路交換素食食譜秘方與烹飪心得. 具體活動是 :
 "呼籲參加者, 每天盡可能上網寫作, 十一月這個月ㄝ每人最少二十條. "


via : treehugger Now's the Time to Try Going Vegan - November is Vegan MoFo (planetgreen, Nov 3, 2010 )

We all know we should be reducing the amount of meat and other animal products we eat. Maybe we do Meatless Monday or are "weekday vegetarians,", but we're ready to take that next step and either eat more vegan meals or switch over to a vegan diet all together.
If you want to learn more about eating vegan, November is the month to do it.

Vegan MoFo!

Vegan MoFo (Month of Food) was founded by Post Punk Kitchen as a kind of vegan version of NaNoWriMo. Participants spend the month of November cooking and writing about vegan food as much as humanly possible. The goal is to write something every single day, posting a minimum of 20 times. With nearly 700 participants this year, you will undoubtedly find plenty of inspiration for eating vegan.
Participants will be posting plenty of recipes, but they'll also be posting relevant cooking tips and product reviews, along with more personal posts about their experiences cooking without animal products. Definitely worth a look, and, who knows? Maybe next year you'll find yourself blogging along as well!

