
2010年11月5日 星期五


英國channel 4,上映一部環保省思記錄片, 訪談多位知名環保運動健將與學者.

任何運動都是少數先行者正反多元爭辯探究,但是 ,多數民眾渴望簡單結論(沒有足夠知識,興趣與時間去思索.).
 在這兩者中間, 聰明的企業家冒險摸黑前進, 行銷工作者搖旗吶喊, 廣告作品指揮交通, 引導消費動向.

What the Green Movement Got Wrong: The Debate
Via : treehugger,Nov 4,2010. from channel 4, Nov 4, 2010.

As author and environmentalist Mark Lynas says, 'Being an environmentalist was part of my identity and most of my friends were environmentalists. We were involved in the whole movement together. It took me years to actually begin to question those core, cherished beliefs. It was so challenging it was almost like going over to the dark side. It was a like a horrible dark secret you couldn't share with anyone.'
However, several of the "talking heads" in the show which is airing tonight say that the filmmakers misrepresented its focus. According to The Guardian, Adam Werbach, says that the final version does not represent his views and he wants his bit taken out.
Now Werbach is no slouch: He is the Chief Sustainability Officer for Saatchi & Saatch and a contributing writer for TreeHugger and The Atlantic.

