
2010年11月5日 星期五


第個問題 : 請問您知道"台北國際花卉博覽會"的英文名稱嗎?

"2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition" is it!

第貳個問題 : 請問您知道第一屆歐洲綠色首都慶祝活動剛剛舉辦嗎?

google : European Green Capitl

第參個問題 : 請問您知道同樣預算可以打造吸引一百倍國際媒體報導的花卉博覽會嗎?

google : vertical farming
google : vertical farm
請 google : 垂直農場

垂直農業軟硬體技術已經發展很久, 接近可商業運轉階段. 計劃很多, 沒一個正式動工.
Despommier argues that the technology to construct vertical farms currently exists. He also states that the system can be profitable and effective, a claim evidenced by some preliminary research posted on the project's website. Developers and local governments in the following cities have expressed serious interest in establishing a vertical farm: Incheon (South Korea), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), and Dongtan (China),[23] New York City, Portland, Ore., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Surrey, B.C., Toronto, Paris, Bangalore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Incheon, Shanghai and Beijing. The Illinois Institute of Technology is now crafting a detailed plan for Chicago. It is suggested that prototype versions of vertical farms should be created first, possibly at large universities interested in the research of vertical farms, in order to prevent failures such as the Biosphere 2 project in Oracle, Arizona.[24]
In 2010, the Green Zionist Alliance proposed a resolution at the 36th World Zionist Congress calling on Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael (Jewish National Fund in Israel) to develop vertical farms in Israel.[25]
美國技術最成熟, 中國/南韓/以色列最有野心.
假如台灣建造一個"垂直花卉園" 從宣佈計劃開動, 就是一條熱門國際新聞!

Why garden vertically? So, is vertical gardening about gobbling up our greenhouse emissions, keeping our living spaces cooler or about creating our own green sanctuaries in the concrete jungle? Well, probably more than a touch of all those things. There is no doubt that plants can play a very real role in reducing our green house emissions and of course, take in pollutants from the air while realizing life-giving oxygen.

