前天黃昏天已黑, 到四四南村找不到洪祥輝老師.
問他為什麼沒來? 原來為天母店裡演講才來台北, 聯絡上時, 他說在南下的高鐵上.
有次聽儒門與旗山朋友約見面的事, 他要節省高鐵與夜快車差價, 買市集產品當伴手禮.
市集上下裡外, 除少數例外, 經濟都屬弱勢, 撐下去的動力或許有所差異, 擁有程度不同理念是一致. 248農學市集要能茁壯發展的單一策略是網路戰術......Mother Nature Network提供一個參考.
via : adage. Nov 22, 2010.
Green Website Finds Sustainable Model in Creating Custom Ads :
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- A couple years ago Joel Babbit, the veteran Atlanta ad executive, traded in his Porsche 911 for a Honda Civic Hybrid, and it is not just his car that moves a little slower these days. .........
While his new car may not turn heads, his new venture that prompted the purchase is. Mr. Babbit left Grey to launch Mother Nature Network, an environmental website targeted at mainstream consumers that went live in the first week of 2009. The co-founder of the site is Chuck Leavell, the keyboardist for the Rolling Stones and an avid environmentalist, while James Berrien, former publisher of the Forbes Magazine Group, serves as chief operating officer and Emily Murphy, who has worked as an editor and producer at USA Today, National Geographic and CNN, serves as managing editor.
In October, Mother Nature Network drew 874,000 unique visitors, according to ComScore, making it the fifth most popular in ComScore's "green" category, which also includes nonprofit groups and governmental agencies. (The Environmental Protection Agency website drew 861,000 unique visitors, the Sierra Club's 204,000.)