閒置物品也許算廢棄物吧! 把廢棄物回收的環保觀念進一步延伸 , super idea.
via : springwise, 3 November 2010
SAVED is a new initiative from Green Thing where unwanted and unloved T-shirts are Saved from waste by adding a design and story that makes them wanted and loved again. Click 'Buy a T' to help an old T-shirt to be SAVED, or 'Send us a T' to donate your unloved T-shirt MORE
You can buy and wear a specially hand-stitched T-shirt that's better than new and SAVED for just twenty pounds (plus VAT and postage). The money goes to Green Thing which is a not-for-profit organisation set-up to inspire people to lead greener lives and which gives all profits to its registered charity Green Thing Trust. (And you might even end up with a T from someone famous and talented ;-)
Or Send us a T to donate your unwanted and unloved T-shirt to Green Thing because every old T needs to be SAVED.
SAVED is part of what Green Thing calls All-Consuming - the art of wasting nothing and using up everything.