
2010年12月31日 星期五

Fuji Water : Negative Carbon


標榜負碳(carbon negative)的飲料公司Fiji Water, 在美國加州被提起集團訴訟.

via : triplepundit. December 30th, 2010

Lawsuit Filed Against Fiji For Greenwashing

The Newport Trial Group filed a class action lawsuit against the Fiji Water Company in the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, CA on behalf of Desiree Worthington and other individuals to seek restitution for “the false claims from which [Fiji Water Company has] richly profited.” The lawsuit alleges that the company made money from its claims that its water products are carbon negative.
According to the complaint:
“This case is very simple: Defendants convince consumers to buy their “FIJI” brand of bottled water – and to pay more for FIJI than for competing brands –by advertising and labeling FIJI as “The World’s Only CARBON NEGATIVE bottled water”. In other words, Defendants claim that they remove more carbon pollution from our atmosphere than they release into it. In reality, however, FIJI water is not “Carbon Negative.” Instead, Defendants justify this claim by employing a discredited carbon accounting method known as “forward crediting.” Thus, Defendants do not remove more carbon pollution than they create; they simply claim credit for carbon removal that may or may not take place – up to several decades in the future.”

A 2007 press release claimed that Fiji will offset 120 percent of its carbon emissions, and the “production and sale of each bottle of FIJI Water will actually result in a net reduction of carbon in the atmosphere.” The press release stated that Fiji would “account for the carbon footprint throughout the entire lifecycle of its products,” and the company would offset its emissions “through a combination of meaningful reductions and carbon-reducing land use and renewable energy projects.”

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is derived from crude oil, is used to make plastic water bottles. According to the Earth Policy Institute, making bottles to meet the U.S. demand for bottled water in 2006 required over 17 million barrels of oil a year, enough to fuel over one million cars for a year, and produced over 2.5 million tons of carbon. About 75 percent of the plastic water bottles are not recycled, according to Food & Water Watch. Plastic water bottles never completely decompose.
FIJI® Water是天然的自流水,於水源所在地斐濟群島直接裝瓶,在美國是頂級的瓶裝水,獲得許多知名人士的喜愛。自流水與流到地面的泉水或是經由淨化處理過的純水不同,它是從未暴露在外在環境的水。天然的自流水壓把FIJI® Water 從地下的蓄水層中,經由一種封閉的運送系統逼出,所以FIJI® Water在瓶蓋轉開之前是從未與人類接觸過的。
由於FIJI® Water是源自於自然環境中被保護的天然自流水,其所含有的特殊礦物質,包括高含量的矽以及低含量的鈣和鎂,故能使水的口感更加滑潤順口。當身體流汗或是排水之際,電解質會大量流失,而FIJI® Water就是電解質最天然的來源,而電解質有助於調節重要的生理功能,並且對於水合作用以及肌肉與神經健康甚為重要。
FIJI® Water對於自然環境也是健康的。2008年1月,FIJI® Water宣布成為首家超越碳平衡(carbon neutral)進而達成負碳(carbon negative)的飲料公司。這表示, 每生產與銷售一瓶FIJI® Water,都將減少空氣中的二氧化碳濃度,達到120%。
在我們產品生產的過程中,每一個步驟都致力於綠化,包括從包裝到出貨,乃至於投資森林的復育與再生能源的使用。與領導性的保育組織,國際保育(Conservation International)以及斐濟居民合作,一同拯救斐濟的低漥雨林(Sovi Basin),這是斐濟最大的低地雨林。我們把這項環境永續的保護行動稱為綠化斐濟 (FIJI Green),並甚以為榮。
在我們的網站中,有更多的資訊,說明FIJI® Water如何達成使命,提供口感最細膩、礦物質豐富、與最天然的自流水,並致力於為自然環境盡一份心力。

