
2010年12月16日 星期四

Upcycling新產品線"not made in China".

西班牙設計師Guillem Ferran,   繼 Where Memory Used To Sit chair collection, Distendido and La Pell leather project 之後, 新推出改造自建材木製包裝托盤的"not made in China". 椅子系列 是Upcycling的極佳範例.

via :treehugger. Dec 16. 2010

Not Made in China, Designer Guillem Ferran Proves a Point with Products Made from Used Pallets (Photos)

Here is a series of objects with the unusual label "not made in China". The Catalan designer Guillem Ferran, whose Where Memory Used To Sit chair collection, Distendido and La Pell leather project we wrote about before, made it his mission to make objects from used pallets locally in Spain. Ferran explians:

95% of handmade products are made in Asia, the industrial trend from the end of the twentieth century, has been an effervescent delocalisation of production, to areas where you can speculate, with cheap labour costs. We can assume that Asia creates the best technology which we in the west consume. It is impossible not to find a Made in China label under any of the objects around you in daily life.

