
2010年10月20日 星期三

90-Year-Old Paper House Still Standing After All These Years


90-Year-Old Paper House Still Standing After All These Years via: http://www.trendhunter.com/

In 1922, Ellis Stenman, the man who invented the machine that makes paperclips, decided to try his hand at building houses using paper as his medium.
The inventor and engineer from Rockport, Massachusetts completed his Paper House in 1924 and spent every summer there until 1930. The Paper House is now a popular tourist attraction and is an impressive testament to the resilience of recycling. Check out the featured gallery to get a glimpse of this wicked Paper House.
美國麻州的工程師及發明家艾利斯‧斯坦曼(Ellis Stenman),從一九二二年開始建造這座紙房子,他原本只是想要驗證一下報紙的絕緣性,到後來他卻愈來愈樂中此道,一發不可收拾,花兩年時間完成這座頗具規模的小別墅。


At PSFK, we often highlight alternative materials for sustainable building. In a win for the upcycling of a common material like newspaper, the Paper House demonstrates the potential of recycled materials and their potential longevity.
Designed and constructed by Swedish immigrant, Ellis Stenman in Rockport, Massachusetts, the home was built between 1922 and 1924. The structure features a wooden frame with the walls being made of recycled newspaper glue and varnish. In addition to covering most surface areas, the bulk of the furniture is also constructed of this simple recycled material. Although originally operating as Stenman’s summer house, it was occupied from 1924-1930.

