
2010年10月28日 星期四


Via : UsaToday,2010-10-27. Kimberly-Clark rolls out tube-free Scott toilet paper.

據說是現代衛生紙發明一百年來最大產品創新. 捲筒式衛生紙內的硬紙筒, 據金百利公司估計, 在美國一年使用一百七十億個, 這麼多硬紙筒的重量約一億六千磅. 此項產品創新, 對資源節約應該會大有貢獻. 但在國內捲筒式衛生紙的使用率似乎不高, 這產品是否引進國內還不一定.

A consumers demand for less wasteful products is apparently what has driven the toilet paper maker to update a product which has gone without any major improvement since it was invented over 100 years ago. "We found a way to bring innovation to a category as mature as bath tissue," says Daniels.
While the new tubeless rolls won't always be perfectly round, they'll have no problem fitting on standard toilet paper spindles -- and they can be used to the last square. The trick is in the special winding processes, but the company is keeping their technique a secret.
With any luck, soon other toilet paper manufactures will get on board with less wasteful alternatives to the tradition roll, whether it be by using more recycled material or ditching the cardboard tube altogether. And, as consumers demand more eco-friendly products, perhaps more manufacturers will continue to find more ways to cut unnecessary materials from the things they sell.

